News 2011

The fantastic Finnish Winner Show ended our show-year on a happy note, we will be back in the ring in January - Harrisson will start his hunt for the last EE CAC he needs to become a Champion and our youngsters will step out in the Junior class. This year has been good to us - we had two fantastic litters from which two nice young girls are beginning their show career in our team. But mostly it has been the Year of Harrisson - our young wonder-boy has bloomed all the way through the year and won some amazing placements. His winnings include a BIS-1, a BIS-3, 2xBIG-2, 2xBIG-3, BIS-2 JUN, BIS-3 JUN, he has gained 4 CACIBs and been BOB 6 times. He has won all 3 shows that give Crufts-qualifications in the neighbouring countries - Estonia, Latvia and Finland. He is both Estonian and Finnish Winner 2011... Cavalier of the Year competition results will come in February, but for us, Harrisson surely is Dog of the Year:) We are very happy with our accomplishments this year and we are looking forward to new challenges and joys in the next one.
We would like to wish everyone joyful and happy Holidays and only success for the New Year!
And of course snow - soft white snow to cover all the worries and light up the world again!:)
-Team Dingir-ra-

We would like to wish everyone joyful and happy Holidays and only success for the New Year!
And of course snow - soft white snow to cover all the worries and light up the world again!:)
-Team Dingir-ra-

04.12.2011 Finnish Winner 2011, Helsinki, Finland. 76 cavaliers entered.
Judge Frode Jevne

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN Ex1, CQ, BD-1, BOB, FI CAC, CACIB, FI W'11!

Judge Frode Jevne

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN Ex1, CQ, BD-1, BOB, FI CAC, CACIB, FI W'11!

26.11.2011 Narva national Show
Judge Harry Vella

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex1, BD-1, BOB, BIG-3!

Judge Harry Vella

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex1, BD-1, BOB, BIG-3!

05.11.2011 Tartu international Show
Judge Cpela Birshki Cirman

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex1, BD-2, CACIB

Judge Cpela Birshki Cirman

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex1, BD-2, CACIB

29.10.2011 Riia international Show, Latvia
Judge L. Pichard
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex2, BD-4

Judge L. Pichard
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - INT Ex2, BD-4

09.10.2011 Siauliai national Show, Lithuania
Judge L. Volarikova
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - CH Ex1, BB-2, LT CAC

Judge L. Volarikova
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - CH Ex1, BB-2, LT CAC

08.10.2011 Valmiera national Show, Latvia
Judge Z. Jojkic

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - CH Ex1, BB-2

Judge Z. Jojkic

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - BOB Puppy
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - CH Ex1, BB-2

28.08.2011 Luunja 8th and 9th Group Speciality, 55 cavaliers entered
Judge Dmitri Prozorov (RUS)
Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - PP1 (out of 5), BOS Baby. (Only lost to her brother Remy, who was also BIS-4 Baby. Congratulations to Remy's owners and Chloe's co-owners!)
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - PP1 (out of four), BOS Puppy on her 6 months Birthday.
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - EX1, BD-1, BOB, BIS-1!!! We don't have words how proud we are of our little boy!
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - EX2, BB-3. First time out after puppies, only lost to later BOS in CH class.
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly" - EX1, BB-2. Also first time out after a litter.
Angel's Pride Harrisson + Helandros Vivien Lee "Fancy" - BOB Brace, BIS-2 Brace.
We would like to thank the fantastic judge for a very interesting and informative show experience! And thank you so much Inna Akimova and Tartu Spaniel Club for organizing this very nice ending to this show summer!:)

Judge Dmitri Prozorov (RUS)
Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - PP1 (out of 5), BOS Baby. (Only lost to her brother Remy, who was also BIS-4 Baby. Congratulations to Remy's owners and Chloe's co-owners!)
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - PP1 (out of four), BOS Puppy on her 6 months Birthday.
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - EX1, BD-1, BOB, BIS-1!!! We don't have words how proud we are of our little boy!
Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia" - EX2, BB-3. First time out after puppies, only lost to later BOS in CH class.
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly" - EX1, BB-2. Also first time out after a litter.
Angel's Pride Harrisson + Helandros Vivien Lee "Fancy" - BOB Brace, BIS-2 Brace.
We would like to thank the fantastic judge for a very interesting and informative show experience! And thank you so much Inna Akimova and Tartu Spaniel Club for organizing this very nice ending to this show summer!:)

27.08.2011 Väimela National Show, 26 cavaliers entered.
Judge Larisa Kizina (RUS)

Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - PP1, BOB Baby. Congratulations to co-owners family Tamm! This was Chloe's first show.
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - EX1, BD-3.

Judge Larisa Kizina (RUS)

Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - PP1, BOB Baby. Congratulations to co-owners family Tamm! This was Chloe's first show.
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - EX1, BD-3.

06.08.2011 Six blenheim puppies were born (4 boys, 2 girls) in Cattleya Dowiana kennel in Latvia by our Angel's Pride Harrisson out of Chilli Pepper Caressema.

All puppies from Mia and Lilly are in their new homes:)

There are two lovely boys available from the litter born on 16.03 by C.I.B. Lymrey Hi Moon "Toby" and out of CH Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly". More information from Heli Järvet: +372 55 15 754 or Pictures of the litter here

18.06 CACIB show in Pärnu - Angel's Pride Harrisson BD-2, res-CACIB. Judge Unto Timonen, Finland.

12.06 Riga CACIB Show, Latvia - Angel's Pride Harrisson BD-2, res-CACIB. Judge Linda Volarikova, Slovakia.

11.06 Riga CACIB Show, Latvia - Angel's Pride Harrisson BD-1, BOB, CAC, CACIB and at the end of the day - res-BIG!!! Breed judge was Jose de Silva from Portugal, group judge Daniela Risdan from Slovenia.

05.06 Estonian Winner 2011 Show - Angel's Pride Harrisson Ex1, BD-1, CACIB, BOB, EST W'11. First day out of junior class and first CACIB, we are very proud of our sweet little boy! The judge was Lorena Moreti from Italy.

(Photo by: Kaireen Luhtjärv)

(Photo by: Kaireen Luhtjärv)

29.05 Finnish Cavalier Club Show - Angel's Pride Harrisson INT Ex1, CQ. Harrisson and Helandros Vivien Lee BIS 2 BRACE. Judging dogs was Robert Payne, GB.

Harrisson & Fancy

Harrisson & Fancy

28.05 9th Group Speciality in Finland - Angel's Pride Harrisson Ex1, CQ, BD-2, res-CAC. Judge Jos Dekker, NL.

22.05.2011 9th Group Speciality - Angel's Pride Harrisson BOB JUN, BOB, BIS 2 JUN, BIS 3!!! In addition, Harrisson and Helandros Vivien Lee BIS 1 BRACE again. Judging the males was Michael Forte (IRL).

21.05.2011 Estonian Cavalier Club Show - Angel's Pride Harrisson was Best Blenheim Junior, BD2 and BIS 3 JUN and in final cut for Best Head and Best Mover competitions. Harrisson + Helandros Vivien Lee were BIS 1 BRACE. Judging the males was Alix Jauffret (FRA).

We have one very promising blenheim girl available from Mia and Joy litter, born 28. February. We are looking for a show home for Maria:)

19.03.2011 Vilnius, Lithuanian Winner 2011 Show, judge Jean-Francois Vanaken (Belgium) - Angel's Pride Harrisson BOB JUN, JUN CAC --- LT J W'11, LT and BALT J CH. Harrisson is now EST, LV, LT, BALT J CH and LT J W'11. Thank you, Heli, for handling Harrisson so well!

16.03.2011 six blenheim puppies were born by Toby (Ch Lymrey Hi Moon) out of Lilly (Ch Helandros Ice Flower) - 3 girls and 3 boys, pictures here!

13.03.2011 Riga, Latvian Winner '11 show, judge Harry Vella (Malta) - Angel's Pride Harrisson JUN EX2, JUN CAC -- EST and LV J CH.

05.03.2011 Tallinn CAC show, judge Nikolina Davidovskaja (Bulgaria) - Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" JUN EX2, Best Male 3.
06.03.2011 Tallinn CAC show, judge Inese Pablaka (Latvia) - Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" JUN EX1, JUN CAC, BOS JUN, Best Male 1, BOS.

(Photo by Maarja Kampus)

06.03.2011 Tallinn CAC show, judge Inese Pablaka (Latvia) - Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" JUN EX1, JUN CAC, BOS JUN, Best Male 1, BOS.

(Photo by Maarja Kampus)

28.02.2011 - Mia's (Ch Helandros Miss Moonpearl) and Joy''s (Ch Angel's Pride Up To The Sky) puppies were born. 6 nice pups, 1 blenheim boy, 2 blenheim girls, 1 tricolour boy and 2 tricolour girls. Mom and puppies are doing well, pictures here!

Dingir-ra home page is finally up and running! We hope to improve step by step and learn in the process:) Please feel free to browse arond and leave your comments in the Guestbook:) Welcome!
-Reelika ja Madis-