News 2012

Merry Christmas and only the best for the New Year!

16.12.2012 Vilnius CACIB
Judge Dmitri Prozorov, RU
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BD-2, res-CACIB, LT CAC

Judge Dmitri Prozorov, RU
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BD-2, res-CACIB, LT CAC

09.12.2012 Helsinki Finnish Winner 2012
93 cavaliers entered, judge Joakim Ohlsson, SE

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BD-2, res-CACIB --> CACIB. With this, Harrisson has gained his International Champion title C.I.B!

93 cavaliers entered, judge Joakim Ohlsson, SE

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BD-2, res-CACIB --> CACIB. With this, Harrisson has gained his International Champion title C.I.B!

01.12.2012 Tallinn Christmas Show 2012
Judge Siret Lepasaar, EE

Dingir-ra Forever Kind Of Love "Teddy" - BOB, reserv-BIS Baby Puppy!!!

Judge Siret Lepasaar, EE

Dingir-ra Forever Kind Of Love "Teddy" - BOB, reserv-BIS Baby Puppy!!!

08.09.2012 Riga 9th Group Speciality
Judge Dmitri Prozorov, RU

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BOB, BIS1!!!
Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - BB-2, LV CAC

Judge Dmitri Prozorov, RU

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - BOB, BIS1!!!
Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - BB-2, LV CAC

27.07.2012 Dingir-ra FOREVER-litter was born: 5 blenheim puppies, 2 girls and 3 boys. The litter is by UK CH Angel's Pride Gentleman "Milow" and out of EE CH Helandros Miss Moonpearl "Mia"

16.06.2012 Annikoru 9th Group Speciality
33 cavaliers entered. Judge Jukka Kuusisto, FI

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - Ex1, BOB, BIS4!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN Ex-2

33 cavaliers entered. Judge Jukka Kuusisto, FI

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - Ex1, BOB, BIS4!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN Ex-2

19.05.2012 Cavalier Club Show, Tallinn
133 cavaliers entered. Judges Heather and Robert Lamont (Moorfields cavaliers), UK.

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - Ex1, BD1, BOB Blenheim, BIS2!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - VG1 in a big and good quality junior class with a very nice ctitique from a long time breeder judge.

133 cavaliers entered. Judges Heather and Robert Lamont (Moorfields cavaliers), UK.

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - Ex1, BD1, BOB Blenheim, BIS2!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - VG1 in a big and good quality junior class with a very nice ctitique from a long time breeder judge.

The results of Estonian Cavalier Club's Top Winning Cavalier of the Year and Tartu Spaniel Club's Dog of the Year competitions are finaly in and it really was the year of Harrisson!
*Estonian Cavalier Club's Cavalier of the Year 2011
*Estonian Cavalier Club's Junior of the Year 2011
*Tartu Spaniel Club's Top Winning Dog of the Year 2011 of all spaniel breeds
*Tartu Spaniel Club's Top Winning Junior 3rd place
*Tartu Spaniel Club's Top Winning Cavalier of the Year 2011
*Estonian Cavalier Club's Puppy of the Year 2011 2nd place in Bitch Puppies
*Tartu Spaniel Club's Puppy of the Year VII place of all spaniel breeds
*Estonian Cavalier Club's Baby Puppy of the Year 2011 2nd place in bitches and 4th place over all
*Tartu Spaniel Club's Baby Puppy of the Year 2011 5th place of all spaniel breeds

15.01.2012 Tartu national Show
Judge A. Whitmarsh (SE)
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN EX1, BD-2
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN VG-3

Judge A. Whitmarsh (SE)
Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN EX1, BD-2
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN VG-3

14.01.2012 Tartu national Show
Judge M. Petersen (DK)

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN EX1, BD-3, CAC -- EST and FIN CH!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN EX-2

Judge M. Petersen (DK)

Angel's Pride Harrisson "Harrisson" - OPEN EX1, BD-3, CAC -- EST and FIN CH!!!
Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN EX-2

08.01.2012 Vaimastvere 8th and 9th Group Show
Judge I. Pablaka (LV)

Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - JUN EX-2

Judge I. Pablaka (LV)

Helandros Angel Holograms "Chloe" - JUN EX-2

07.01.2012 Vaimastvere 8th and 9th Group Show
Judge N. Sedõhh (RU)

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN EX-2

Judge N. Sedõhh (RU)

Helandros Yale Ivy League "Maria" - JUN EX-2