News 2018

11.11.2018 Riga Winner 2018, judge P. Rehanek
Helandros Eliza Doolittle "Hazel"- BB2, res-CACIB

22.09.2018 Tallinn CACIB Show, judge H. Kumm (EE)
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly"- BOB Vet, BB4

19.08.2018 Baltic Winner 2018, judge T. Urek
Angel's Pride Harrisson - BOS Vet, Balt Vet W'18
Angel's Pride Zakkary - BOB, CACIB, Balt W'18, CIB
With this, Zakkary finished his hunt for the CIB title and is going back home to Germany:)

12.08.2018 Riga 9. Group Show
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly" - BOB Vet, BB3, BIS1 Vet
Angel's Pride Zakkary - LV CAC, LV CH

05.08.2018 Tartu 8. and 9. Group show, judge T. Shiyan
Longbody's Citronmåne "Nikki"- BOB Puppy, BIS3 Puppy
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly"- BOB Vet, BB4, BIS3 Vet
Dingir-ra - BOB Breeder, BIS2 Breeder

04.08.2018 Tartu 8. and 9. Group show, judge V. Shiyan
Angel's Pride Harrisson - BOB Vet, BOS
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly"- BOS Vet, BB3
Dingir-ra The Legend Continues "Lissa"- BB4, JUN CAC

29.07.2018 Imavere CAC Show, judge E. Agafonova (IT)
Helandros Honeysuckle Rose "Arizona" - BOB, CAC, BOG4

15.07.2018 We had a traditional summer gathering of owners of puppies with Dingir-ra and Helandros kennel names. Tiia Ariko gave an educational lecture on feeding and everyone had fun. Next meeting next year!

31.06.2018 Latvia Cavalier Club Show, judge J. Ohlsson (SE)
Angel's Pride Harrisson - BOB Vet, BD3, BIS1 Vet, LV Vet CH
Helandros Ice Flower "Lilly" - BOS Vet, BB5

03.06.2018 Estonian Winner 2018, judge V. Belskyy
Angel's Pride Harrisson - BOB Vet, BD4, EE Vet W'18
Angel's Pride Zakkary - BOB, CACIB, CAC, EE W'18

26.05.2018 Võru CAC show, judge A. Ostrowski (PL)
Angel's Pride Zakkary - BOB, CAC

13.03 our second Spring litter was born. More information under Puppies.

01.03 our first Spring litter was born. More information under Puppies.

03.02.2018 Valga CAC Show
judge Jochen Eberhardt (DE)

Angel's Pride Kasanova - BD1, CAC, BOB

judge Jochen Eberhardt (DE)

Angel's Pride Kasanova - BD1, CAC, BOB

21.01.2018 Pisisaare 8. and 9. Group Show
judge Nikolai Sedõhh (RU)

Dingir-ra The Legend Continues - BOB Baby
Dingir-ra Legendary Guardian - 2nd in Baby
Angel's Pride Kasanova - BD2, CAC
Helandros Aisling For Dingir-ra - BB2, CAC, EE and LV CH

judge Nikolai Sedõhh (RU)

Dingir-ra The Legend Continues - BOB Baby
Dingir-ra Legendary Guardian - 2nd in Baby
Angel's Pride Kasanova - BD2, CAC
Helandros Aisling For Dingir-ra - BB2, CAC, EE and LV CH

We welcome two new Angel's Pride boys at Dingir-ra! Angel's Pride Kasanova "Danny" will stay with us until June 2018 and Angel's Pride Zakkary "Zakkary" will stay with us until the end of 2018. Both boys are fully health tested and available for stud.
Danny's pedigree
Zakkary's pedigree