News 2024


The key word of the year will be our cooperation with Nina from Norway (kennel Pecassa’s) – we raised two litters for Nina and took them to Norway for their new families. One boy from the first litter stayed in Estonia and two puppies from the second litter, one of them being Luna, our keeper girl. In February, my first ruby litter was born, from where special little nugget Jumbu will stay home as our kennel mascot. Nikki had her last litter in the summer and Carmen in November, from Carmen, Kerttu and Kalli will stay home.


The show year was quite successful for Dingir-ra team – Annika, Salto and Ace closed their Junior Champion titles, Brooke won Baltic Winner and Domino Estonian Winner titles. Tricolour girls Ingrid and Beretta started collecting the tickets towards their adult championship. Luna started her show career with multiple wins in baby and puppy classes and many BIS placements.


Dingir-ra summer gathering focused on dental care, the lectorer was dr Kääramees and the day inspired many owners to make dental care a part of their every day routine. Thanks to all who attended!


What will stay with us the longest from 2024 however is grief. We lost three dogs in a very short period of time, two of them completely unexpectedly. Aurora was young and healthy and a very acute illness took her in less than 24h, we still don’t know what exactly happened. Topi was also expected to stay with us for years longer, but passed during a dental procedure. And Moonis heart failure finally caught up with her and she left us after more than a year of heartmeds. I’m incredibly grateful to her family for providing the best, most loving home for her and giving her a happy life! We will remember all three of them for a long time and will carry them in our hearts forever!